This is my blog

Thank you for visiting my blog! This is a place where I put up work I have done at school, work in progress, photography’s taken by me and some found designs. Please do not use my pictures/work without asking me first at, thank you!


tirsdag 15. februar 2011

Package a person

This is the first one-week project I had in Packaging1 at OCAD. Brief: Package a person in your class as a product inspired by the persons personality ect. I packaged Bowie, a girl in my class, as a healthy 70%cocoa chocolate for sharing.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Lille design-spire, du er så flink!!! Jeg blir glad av å se tingene du lager. Gleder meg til du skal lage -et eller annet- for meg en gang :) Håper du koser deg vennen <3

  2. lovely, good to see you're keeping up the good work,

