This is my blog

Thank you for visiting my blog! This is a place where I put up work I have done at school, work in progress, photography’s taken by me and some found designs. Please do not use my pictures/work without asking me first at, thank you!


fredag 5. mars 2010

Exhibition in London

The 28th of april I will, with my Stockbridge-posters, attend the norwegian student assosiation ANSA and NorskArt's "Northern Light" exhibition!
The exhitibiton is for norwegian students in UK, and a lot of different art is presented. The exhibition is from wednesday 28th of april to the 2nd of may at The Menier Gallery in London.

More information:
NorskArt is an annual exhibition showcasing some Norwegian students talents within visual arts.
The artists work in a range of different medias and contexts.
NorskArt is coloured by the creativity and playfulness of a young approach to art.
We hope this will be an opportunity for people to discover interesting up-and-coming artists.

Wish me luck!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Oh well done, that's fabulous

  2. Good luck Maren!! x

  3. these look so good like this! and well done again thats great!
