This is my blog

Thank you for visiting my blog! This is a place where I put up work I have done at school, work in progress, photography’s taken by me and some found designs. Please do not use my pictures/work without asking me first at, thank you!


søndag 28. mars 2010

The bird who was afraid of heights

Buy my book on Lulu here

Cheers! and Happy Easter!

late valentines card

The valentine card my love got from me.. ("YOU make me happily")

sad bird

tirsdag 23. mars 2010

front cover on childrens book?

this is the front cover, any feedback?

onsdag 17. mars 2010

Playing with old pictures

I made some posters out of old pictures from my granny, and some birds of course =)

mandag 15. mars 2010

My little bird

What do you think? Its Chichi

Ethical project

I need some help with choosing which consept to go for at the Etichal project!

Nr1 "ecoSAFE" :
A label that collect a range of different eco-lables to be on furniture. This will show you that the chair etc with this label on is not made by wood from the forest or made by children, its fairtrade, has a low carbon footprint, fairtrade and energy saving. The distrobutor of the furniture has to send in an application to ecoSAFE.
The logo is built upon that you can scratch yourself to the truth(on the businesscard you actually have to scratch yourself to the information)

Nr2 "activate":
activate is an activity day for families of Edinburgh. Its a rising problem with obesity amongst children, so I think it would help if people know more about outside activity and healthy organic food. It will help parents to more easily take their children outside for playing. They will also learn about healthy organic food, thats good to bring to school and outside a day of playing. The arrangement will be sponsored by big foodstore brands(like Tesco or Asda), and the city of Edinburgh council.
Its about playing, eating and growing as a family, not alone

So, what do you think?

Found a little garden

These are the cutest things, grow your own garden! Here is a little film too
They are made by Postcarden and yes you can buy them :)

onsdag 10. mars 2010

todays sayings

to day i made these two little postcard, im practicing my bird-drawing skills ;)

tirsdag 9. mars 2010

Which type are you?

This is a inspiring movie-questionaire where you can figure out which type you are!
just click here

Is it right?

I am Archer Hairline, I like it=)

fredag 5. mars 2010

Exhibition in London

The 28th of april I will, with my Stockbridge-posters, attend the norwegian student assosiation ANSA and NorskArt's "Northern Light" exhibition!
The exhitibiton is for norwegian students in UK, and a lot of different art is presented. The exhibition is from wednesday 28th of april to the 2nd of may at The Menier Gallery in London.

More information:
NorskArt is an annual exhibition showcasing some Norwegian students talents within visual arts.
The artists work in a range of different medias and contexts.
NorskArt is coloured by the creativity and playfulness of a young approach to art.
We hope this will be an opportunity for people to discover interesting up-and-coming artists.

Wish me luck!

tirsdag 2. mars 2010

Villages of Edinburgh - final

I am now done with the project "Villages of Edinburgh". One book, six postcards and posters about Stockbridge. Here are the postcards/posters that shows different landmarks in Stockbridge. I will also put out some pictures of the book.
What do you think?

My Mom's gallery

Here is a new poster I made for my Mom's gallery. The artists name is Heidi Øiseth. The gallery is in Tønsberg in Norway and you are all welcome to come visit :)
I also made her a new logo as you can see on the poster.