This is my blog

Thank you for visiting my blog! This is a place where I put up work I have done at school, work in progress, photography’s taken by me and some found designs. Please do not use my pictures/work without asking me first at, thank you!


onsdag 17. april 2013

SUFH skolegenser

Since my littlesister is very good at tricking me into doing things for her, she tricked me into making the print for her schools hoody/sweater.

It was actually very fun! We tried to find a symbol for each of the classes/lines; dancing/ballet, music, water/ski/surf, ball games, multisport ect.
So here is the front design, the back has all the students names on it.

fredag 11. januar 2013

Marthes birthday card!

Illustraded a birthday card for my friends 25th birthday - she loves owls!