This is my blog

Thank you for visiting my blog! This is a place where I put up work I have done at school, work in progress, photography’s taken by me and some found designs. Please do not use my pictures/work without asking me first at, thank you!


torsdag 9. desember 2010


I made this tonight, where the whole box is "knitted", what do you think? Its quite cute with the beanie, its supposed to have a strapline like "remember your vitamins this vinter!"

onsdag 8. desember 2010

This is my life - Keeping Warm

Data visualisation A1 size,
how many layers I wear to keep me warm each day in november!
First pictures are of the illustrator made, and then the making of the handmade posters and the last three pictures are of the final handmade! The threads that goes out the circle are the days and they show how many layers I had on on that day!

Vitamin packaging - IN PROGRESS

These are the first boxes I made, sorry for the finishing but these are just sketches!
Im going to change the form of C and the D a little so they are standing a bit stadier. And some text is the wrong way, and somethings just needs to be tweaked a bit.

But please give me some feedback! :)

onsdag 1. desember 2010